New Zealand Nuances – An Introduction To Kiwi Coworking Etiquette

New Zealanders are an easygoing bunch as far as generalisations about nationalities go. This carries over into some of their attitudes towards working culture and business in general. For those new to the region, it makes sense to read a little about what business etiquette in the country typically looks like.
Coworking spaces, while different from traditional office environments, still retain many of the same formal and informal etiquette rules. If you are planning on working in New Zealand in a coworking space, check out one premium service provider at for more information. To further help you, we have assembled a list of essential do’s and don’ts to allow you to contribute in a positive way to a harmonious coworking environment.
Let’s take a closer look at some aspects of New Zealand coworking etiquette in more detail.
General Coworking Considerations
Using your common sense can take you far in terms of New Zealand business etiquette. Many of the essential rules, written and unwritten, are like those found in coworking spaces around the globe. If you happen to make a mistake, you can take comfort in the fact that most New Zealand locals are relatively polite and laid back.
Be Respectful Of Others
Part of being a good coworking colleague is respecting your coworkers. Show up with positive energy and be on your best behaviour when interacting with them. This includes respecting their personal space and their concentration on their work. Respect their time as well, avoid asking too many questions and do your best to help your colleagues when you can.
Do not take extended phone calls directly in the coworking space where people are working. Save these conversations for the lounge areas where a higher volume is tolerated. The same goes for eating. On occasion, a small snack in your working area might be acceptable but you should certainly not indulge yourself with something that makes a lot of noise while you consume it.
Keep It Clean
Make sure to clean up after yourself in communal areas. If you are hot desking and will be at a different desk each day, bring all your belongings home with you to leave the space clear for the next user. In the same vein, make sure to bring your own office supplies with you. While premium providers of coworking spaces provide office essentials such as copying, printing, and scanning facilities, try not to be the person who is always borrowing pens and other materials from others.
Practice good personal hygiene. This should go without saying but your colleagues should not be distracted from their work due to your bad personal care habits. On the opposite side of the spectrum, try not to use excessive perfume or cologne, or anything with a strong scent, as this can be offensive and distracting to others.
Master Your Meetings
If you need to conduct business meetings in your coworking space, New Zealand protocol looks fairly similar to that found in much of the English-speaking world. Make sure to plan your appointments in advance and always show up on time, or even a little early. One of the best ways to show your clients and colleagues that you are unreliable and unmotivated is to show up late for a meeting. Unless you are part of a very dynamic startup, it is always a safe bet to show up to important meetings in formal business attire such as a suit.
Use Coworking Spaces To Your Advantage
Part of the usefulness of coworking spaces in New Zealand is the abundant opportunities for networking and meeting new contacts. By following these essentials of basic etiquette, you will be able to navigate your network with ease.